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CSR Management

Our Mission

  • Invest for A Better Life

Our Vision

  • To become a potent, responsible and trustworthy comprehensive public utilities services provider

Our Ideology

  • Economic responsibility: Realizing maintenance and increase the value of asset and making stable and sustained profits
  • Business responsibility: Consistently providing high-quality products and services
  • Environmental responsibility: Developing innovative environmental sustainability solutions
  • Social responsibility: Building Beijing Enterprises into a happy family and working together with communities for a better life

Stakeholder Engagement


  • Government and Regulatory Authorities

    Topics concerned

    • Legal and compliant operations
    • Pay taxes according to relevant laws
    • Increase employment opportunities, promote sustainable and healthy economic development

    Response channel

    • Daily report and communication
    • Seminars and on-site meetings
    • Forums and exchange programmes

    Effectiveness of communication

    • Develop strategic cooperation with local governments
    • Created a good external environment for enterprise development
  • Shareholders and investors

    Topics concerned

    • Satisfactory investment returns
    • Favourable market capitalisation
    • Transparent and responsible operations
    • Improvement of profitability and core competitiveness

    Response channel

    • Annual reports and announcements
    • Roadshows and investors meetings
    • Telephone conference with analysts
    • Annual general meeting
    • Company website

    Effectiveness of communication

    • Establish good relationships with investors
    • Continuous improvement on credibility with investors
    • Obtain support from investors and shareholders on material decisions
  • Customers

    Topics concerned

    • Continuous and stable supply of products
    • High-quality and safe products
    • Considerate and convenient services
    • Smooth communication channels

    Response channel

    • Customer forums
    • Telephone service hot-line
    • Community services centers
    • Customer satisfaction surveys

    Effectiveness of communication

    • Continuous improvement on business operation based on customers' feedbacks
    • Efficient and timely solutions for customers' complaints
    • Continuous improvement on customers services
  • Business Partner

    Topics concerned

    • Fair procurement
    • Integrity and reciprocity
    • Long-term and stable cooperations

    Response channel

    • Supplier conference
    • Strategic cooperations

    Effectiveness of communication

    • Formulate supplier management methods, improve supply chain efficiency
    • Facilitated co-development of upstream and downstream business partners
  • Staff

    Topics concerned

    • Comprehensive rights and benefits
    • Good platform for career development
    • Work-life balance
    • Occupational health and safety

    Response channel

    • Employee representatives congress
    • Complaint mailbox
    • Employee satisfaction surveys

    Effectiveness of communication

    • Communication and interaction among staff and between superiors and subordinates
    • Created a harmonious workplace
    • Build a healthy and safe working environment
  • Communities and non-governmental organisations

    Topics concerned

    • Community development
    • Establishment of a harmonious community
    • Improvement in community environment
    • Open and transparent information

    Response channel

    • Science popularization activities
    • Community dissemination
    • Participation in public welfare and environmental protection activities

    Effectiveness of communication

    • Establish good relationships with local communities
    • Create a good external environment for the enterprise development
  • Media

    Topics concerned

    • Financial performance
    • Corporate governance
    • Information disclosure

    Response channel

    • Annual reports and announcements
    • Annual and interim results presentations
    • News releases and publications
    • Media interview
    • Media inquiries

    Effectiveness of communication

    • Establish a good relationship with media
    • Maintain company image and receive public recognition
  • Environment

    Topics concerned

    • Emissions management
    • Use of resources
    • Biodiversity protection
    • Response to climate change

    Response channel

    • Annual reports and announcements
    • Sustainability reports
    • TCFD reports
    • Company website

    Effectiveness of communication

    • Achieve emission reduction targets
    • Achieve resource conservation
    • Preserve the ecosystem where projects operate
    • Practice green and low-carbon operations