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Vision and Mission

BEHL has been and will always be committed to developing integrated public utility service business. It will strive to capture opportunities arising from the construction of an ecological society and direct its attention on developing clean energy, improving people’s livelihood and the ecological environment, so that it can continue to strengthen its major businesses and business foundation. We will, with enthusiasm, act in response to the country’s “One Belt One Road” development strategy, expand overseas markets and optimize the layout of overseas operations, as well as step up effort to develop our business in greater depth that BEHL may become an industry leader. It will continue to promote synergistic development of its businesses and enhance its integrated competitiveness. And, to achieve the goal of presenting the maximum benefit to shareholders, we will insist on marrying capital operation and industrial operation and turn BEHL into a leading international integrated public utility service company capable of offering integrated and comprehensive energy services. We are committed to rewarding shareholders and the society as well as serving citizens.